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5 Creative Side Hustles for Extra Income in Singapore

In Singapore, where the cost of living is high, having a side hustle has become increasingly popular. People are always looking for new ways to make extra money. Whether it’s to save for a rainy day, pay off debt or to have more disposable income, side hustles can be a great way to supplement your primary income. However, with so many options available, it can be difficult to find a side hustle that works for you. In this article, we’ll explore 5 creative side hustles that you may not have heard of yet, but could potentially help you increase your income and provide you with a fun and enjoyable way to earn extra money.

1. Social Media Management

Are you good at managing social media accounts? Why not turn that into a side hustle? Many small businesses in Singapore struggle to maintain their social media presence while trying to run their business. As a social media manager, you could be responsible for creating and scheduling posts, responding to messages, and helping to grow their online following. This side hustle could be done from the comfort of your own home, and with more and more businesses going online, the demand for social media managers is only increasing.

2. Personal Shopper

Do you have a talent for fashion and love to shop? Consider becoming a personal shopper. Many busy professionals in Singapore don’t have the time to shop for clothes or don’t know how to put together a stylish outfit. As a personal shopper, you could be responsible for selecting clothes and accessories for your clients, based on their preferences and needs. This side hustle could be done on weekends or during your free time and could be a great way to earn extra money while doing something you love.

3. Freelance Writing or Editing

If you have a talent for writing or editing, consider freelancing as a side hustle. Many companies in Singapore are in need of content writers or editors to help create high-quality content for their websites or marketing materials. As a freelance writer or editor, you could work from home and set your own hours. This side hustle could be done on a project basis, allowing you to take on as much or as little work as you want.

4. Pet Sitting or Dog Walking

If you love animals, consider becoming a pet sitter or dog walker. Many pet owners in Singapore are in need of someone to care for their pets while they are away. As a pet sitter, you could be responsible for feeding, walking, and playing with pets in their owner’s absence. This side hustle could be done on weekends or during your free time and could be a great way to earn extra money while spending time with furry friends.

5. Online Tutoring

If you have a talent for teaching, consider online tutoring as a side hustle. Many parents in Singapore are in need of tutors to help their children with their studies. With more and more learning moving online, the demand for online tutors is only increasing. As an online tutor, you could work from home and set your own hours. This side hustle could be done on a part-time basis, allowing you to take on as many or as few students as you want.


Do I need any qualifications to become a personal shopper or pet sitter?

While having relevant qualifications may be helpful, they are not always necessary. Being passionate about fashion or animals, and having good communication skills can go a long way in these side hustles.

How much can I earn from these side hustles?

The amount you can earn will depend on the side hustle and how much time and effort you put into it. However, these side hustles can provide a decent amount of extra income that can help you achieve your financial goals.

Do I need to register my side hustle with the authorities?

It’s always best to check with the relevant authorities in Singapore to see if you need to register your side hustle. Some side hustles may require a licence or permit to operate legally.

Wrap Up: 5 Unique Side Hustles to Boost Your Income in Singapore

In Singapore, having a side hustle can be a great way to earn extra money and explore new opportunities. While there are many side hustles to choose from, these 5 creative side hustles you haven’t heard of yet can provide you with a fun and enjoyable way to earn extra income. Whether it’s managing social media accounts, becoming a personal shopper or pet sitter, freelancing as a writer or editor, or online tutoring, these side hustles can help you achieve your financial goals while doing something you love. So why not give them a try? Who knows, they may just become your new source of income! If these 5 options are not suitable for you, find out more on 10 side hustles you can start in Singapore

Eugene Chai

With five years of financial experience (and maybe a few too many all-nighters fueled by cold brew and craft beer), Eugene tackles complex financial concepts and breaks them down for young adults. Featured on Investment sites and CNA's Money Talks, this self-proclaimed "Finance Whisperer" isn't your stuffy suit. He uses relatable narratives (think "adulting, but make it money") to turn numbers into your financial BFFs, guiding you towards smart choices with your hard-earned dough.

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